Digital Voucher Platform

Skaut is a Fintech platform
for vouchers.
One application - for all vouchers

Awesome Features

Payment with discount
We strive to ensure that every transaction has a discount, whether you are purchasing a voucher or using it.
On webshop or in the store
Skaut enables payment in stores and online with contracted merchants.
Digital payment
Purschasing vouchers with a card in 2 steps. Transfer the unused amount of money back to the card.

Skaut for Bussines

Purchasing vouchers
Skaut enables the purchase of vouchers for company employees through a simple and intuitive onboarding process.
Voucher distribution
If the employee has the Skaut app, the voucher simply appears. If not, Skaut conducts the onboarding process.
Complete control
Skaut provides the business partner with complete financial control.

Skaut for Merchant

Easy integration
The Skaut is integrated into the cash register for the issuance and acceptance of the merchant's voucher, on the web for sale and acceptance.
Voucher as a payment method
Accepting vouchers at cash registers, at payment terminals or on the web.
Buy a voucher or cashback
Buying a new voucher or redeeming a voucher through a cashback payment.

The Founders

We are working intensively on our website and offer, and until that happens, please contact our founder.